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Age: undefined
Birthday: 22 january
Description: aquarian temasekian hates homework hyper childish lame freaky? twilight addict :DD

countdown clock

i wanted the other one but there's something wrong with it >.<
our memories
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

belong together
6/4 year 07 "DEAD"class blog

murmured words

breaking dawn
designer: veronicanote

a bastard who deleted a video of a superb song

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |9:03 AM

love this song. i can play it with right hand. im a noob waddoya expect? i posted it on class blog but SOME FREAKING JERK BASTARD deleted it. got prob. say gay video siao i hate him cannot appreciate such a nice song go die lah. ohkay enough.
I WANT GO NIGHT SAFARI. my bro today go seyy. JEALOUS. im jealous.
saw chun last wednesday. but then its like sauna. packed like sardines. oush here push there. went with audreyyyy then meet up with jeanne she come in sch uni. bah and keep complaining. cant blame her. its really hell in there. then i want the poster but finish lerh coz they started giving out the stuff at 3 then we all reach there around 5. i thought is like lucky draw mah they wrote win in the magazine who knows its different from it. took 31 photos. im mad i know. ok cousin came and just left.

twilight final trailer in HD

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |6:35 AM

Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer

oh this is so wonderfullllllll i love it. can keep watching it overr and overr again it came out lyk a few days ago. watch it. love it. wait for the movie. watch the movie.

argh i totally hate my brother's friend's parents. the father. he so unreasonable. we help his son pay for the holiday then he say we ask his son to do illegal crime. smuggle drugs. WHAT KINDA FATHER WOULD SAY THAT?! im totally pissed off. argh how dare he say that to my father. i feel like punching him in the face. crazy one. his son oso say he crazy. BAH.

today went out with hamizah and kamil. to bugis junction. i bought i weekly. the cover page was chun and ah sa of coz lah their new movie wad... wu xia liang zhu. i wanna watchhhhhh >.< i feel greedy. want so much stuff. i have become a greedy person >.< i dont want that. I CANT WAIT FOR SYDNEY. >.< oh ya then we going home that time the mrt was packed so kamil didnt went in. we were separated. sad :( then mi n hamizah kept laughing got one guy big sized wanna come out push his way thru i was pushed and nearly fell hitting hamizah like dominos. lol then going near my house i said...
mi:"i feel like jumping out so no need walk back."
mizah:"got one thing wad arh turn invisible then appear there. i forgot wad it call." smth lyk that. i cant really remember.
mizah:repeat again.
mi:"oh oh oh! transport."
mizah:"ya ya transport"
mizah:"transport! hahahahaha where got transport?!"
then we were both laughing like mad. then i reach my stop. the train was still squeezy.
oh ya in kfc there was something really funny. hope it doesnt offend audrey.
i said i would never go toilet with audrey. then kamil ask why and said she peeps at mi. then i say no lah imagine. wait can u even imagine that?! then mizah and mi started laughing like crazy. due to the imagination. u can never imagine audrey doing that. then after a long long while. kamill laughed. she was SLOW. sir-lerr-ouhhh. SLOW. lol thats da joke. still got 1 more shall not sayit.


countdown clock to twilight final trailer

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |11:55 PM

exams today.

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |3:44 AM

sheesh. i flunked geography and math paper 2.

geography. scared fail. i hate section b. I HATE STRUCTURED QUESTIONS MORE.
they say wad is a water table? give examples. wad is an ephiyte? give examples. all must give examples. fail that section lah i dunno than anyhow write.

math paper 2
i actually left BLANKS. the gradient hardhard one i have no idea htd. i left qn 5 n 6 blank for most of the parts. the qn5 part a i answered 1 outta 4 sad. then part b construction i got do. I FEEL SO STUPID. made a horrible mistake that 9 marks say byebye ler. qn 6 was easy my friends all say i say hard for 1 specific reason. I DID NOT SEE THE QUESTION WROTE 40 STUDENTS. so the whole qn dunno htd. they ask find a when a is 35% of the students. easy when have the 40 students. if u nvr see it is impossible to solve. then the rest of part 6 was related. that was the worse part. i left out 40 students so whole qn dunno htd. haish the histogram i left a and b BLANK. im so dejected. depressed. haiz.. byebye to 12 marks lerh... i cant believe i miss that point out. for a subject i like. mayb coz left less than 10 mins to do that qn ba... panicked. die lah.

tomorrow history. i shall spent all night long studying. 10 chapters. plus sbq qns. I HATE SBQS.


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