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Age: undefined
Birthday: 22 january
Description: aquarian temasekian hates homework hyper childish lame freaky? twilight addict :DD

countdown clock

i wanted the other one but there's something wrong with it >.<
our memories
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

belong together
6/4 year 07 "DEAD"class blog

murmured words

breaking dawn
designer: veronicanote

after a sad n happy day....

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |11:04 AM

oh hi again

im happy yet sad
reason 4 happy = chun finally posted after abt 3 mths n he posted 2 in a day^^
2nd thing goin 2 zoo on sunday!!! THE SINGAPORE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS
reason 4 sad = hw piled up lyk a mountain havent do finish =(
dunno wad 2 wear pe or uni on monday...
lastly my hp spoil AGAIN 2nd hp spoil 1st 1 oso... under repair miss

ok then thats all folks goin 2 sleep after reading finish my bk pstpst left with hmmm 200 pages left... so mayb lyk 4 then slp...mayb hope tmr wun miss pokemon n power rangers mystic force...i 4got tmr is last ep not or over ler??? tmr omg is hannah montana concert 3-D nvm i got my hannah montana 3-D goggles!!! tmr oso meet the robinsons...haish shld i watch legend or meet the robinsons??? haish...my hw still havent finish... hey ppl class gathering @ zoo can??? mayb not then escape ba... mus go hor...


a little something

<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |7:41 AM

part 1 =) nice huh i took it =)
part 2 takes 4ever 2 upload so i wun upload it. remember we keep playing stealing of bag started by yun qi so funny lor=) it seriously take 4ever 2 upload...ok then bb nidda slp ler so late no early ler ltr papa scold mi n oh my blog is DEAD.